艺术发展到今日 ,早已打破了传统模式对艺术这一概念的界定,它以多元化的创造方式呈现出艺术文明的进程。
Transfer with Objects
Duration |展期:1.12,2019—2.20,2019
Opening | 开幕:15:00,1.12,2019(周六)
Venue | 展览:101 Art Space 一〇一艺术空间
Artists | 艺术家:Hua Jiaguo化建国 Ji Yongjie吉永洁 Wang Xiangrong王向荣 Li Shikai 李世开 Xiao Cai肖彩 Yang Zhongwei杨中伟
Planner| 策展人:Hua Jianguo 化建国
Executive curator|执行策展人:Wang Xiangrong王向荣
Chief Art Supervisor | 艺术总监:Li Shutian李书天
Coordinator |展览统筹:Guo Wenchao郭文超
Producers | 出品人:Zheng Xinyan郑信彦/Li Ming李铭
Host Unit|主办单位:Henan PrintStar Art Culture Ltd.河南印之星文化艺术有限公司
Co-organizer |协办方:CNDesign 中国设计网
艺术发展到今日 ,早已打破了传统模式对艺术这一概念的界定,它以多元化的创造方式呈现出艺术文明的进程。材料的物质属性是艺术创作无法脱离的,当下人类生存遗迹自身就带有独特的社会属性,周遭的现成品及物象都能够让人产生地域性的判断并得以提炼出社会大背景后的隐痛,这足以代表时代的表情和烙印。
化建国 《异物 同等》
综合材料 91x61cm 2018
吉永洁 《围城》
尺寸可变,书 手机 建筑钢管 ,2018
吉永洁 《围城》
尺寸可变,书 树脂,2018
王向荣 《无题》
尺寸可变, 刀板 水泥 木炭, 2018
王向荣 《周围》之一
100X120cm, 布面 后工业材料, 2018
Art, developed to nowadays, has broken the limit of the concept under the traditional model, representing the process of the artistic civilization through diversified ways of creation.The materiality of medium cannot be separated from the artistic creation. For now, human existence remains have unique social property. All the products and objects around can make human have a judgment, then discovering the inner hurts behind the social background, which display the expression and mark of the era.
李世开/肖彩 《废墟日记-陈庄小学》 残垣断壁
行为装置,拆迁废料 教学遗物, 2016年至今
李世开/肖彩 《废墟日记-陈庄小学》 残垣断壁
行为装置,拆迁废料 教学遗物, 2016年至今
The exhibition, through the exploration and reference to the “Objects” in the surrounding, seeks a new freedom representative method to inspire the artists reflecting and judgment to the current situation. Art creation development should focus on the social realistic representation, for now, using the objects in daily life to transfer into the art form which the artists are familiar and need to display. The ingenious transfer of material media can lead the audience to think and connect the image they saw with the realistic objects naturally. Materiality media and the artists' personal idea will interaction and wake up with each other, which is like a conversation between objects and human, bringing some changes of the inertial thinking under an unusual creative environment.
杨中伟 《 剩余价值 》
尺寸可变,印刷废料 镜面 现成品, 2018
The artists invited by the exhibition have shown the extremely spanning and acumen in the past creation. The artists have connection with surroundings directly or indirectly, which will achieve the initiative of artistic creation more effectively. That is the significance of the exhibition.
杨中伟 《红色边缘》
尺寸可变, 印刷废料 镜面 现成品, 2018
About 101 Art Space
101 Art Space is a place for open thinking and questions about contemporary art in a multi-dimensional way. It is committed to finding creations with clear spiritual orientations, taking space as a fulcrum, and combing the relationship and context of art, artists and society through an experimental curatorial way.
101# Dongqing Street,Zhengzhou,China.
Tuesday to Sunday,Closed on Monday & Tuesday.
For more information about us,please follow us.
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