GDC是中国首个面向全球的大型综合性设计竞赛双年展活动,每两年举办一次。GDC前身为平面设计在中国展(Graphic Design in China),由深圳市平面设计协会创办自1992年。这一设计竞赛活动已经成为华人地区影响最大、水平最高、且最具权威和公正性的设计盛典。
GDC is the first large-scale comprehensive design campaign in China towards the globe since year 1992, held every two years. It was founded by Shenzhen Graphic Design Association (SGDA) as a predecessor as Graphic Design in China. This campaign has become the most influential with highest quality and the most authoritative and impartial design festival in Chinese region.
GDC15 collects the latest design achievement from global top designers and new emerging talents, encourages cutting-edge designs, shows the outstanding achievement of graphic design. With the goal to “DESIGN FOR CHINA’S FUTURE”, The judgment result will reflect interaction relationship between modern design, culture, commerce and daily life, and contribute in establishing a new value standard for design in China future.
参赛资格 Entry Rules
Welcome to the artist from all over the world in GDC 15. All the entry work must be the works published and announced by any of the country from Oct.26.2013 to Oct.20.2015. All the entry works be able to submitted by person or the company participated in creating and making. All the entries and awarded works will be collected in The Yearbook of GDC 15.
*NOTE: a winning entry is not guaranteed in every category.
Undergraduates, graduate students, students from continuous education plan and emerging designers graduated within last two years are all in. It welcomes any kind of the published and unpublished works.
Student's works will be assessed separately. But the standard and judgment committee are same to the professionals. All the entries and awarded works will be exhibited in GDC15 exhibition and collected in the Yearbook of GDC 15.
*NOTE: The number of submitted works is not limited. Any works that is involved by any member of jury panel is not eligible.
参赛类别 Eligibilities & Categoriese
GDC15 is consisting of Practical application design and Experimental design.
The Professionals is consisting of commissioned works and non-commissioned works.
The Students is not limited to commissioned works and non-commissioned works.
A.平面视觉类 Graphic
A-1 品牌形象 Brand Image
A-1-1标志 Brand Icon
A-1-2吉祥物 Mascot
A-1-3形象系统 Visual Identity
A-2 包装 Package
A-2-1应用包装 Package Design
A-3 出版物 Publication
Book, Album, Newspaper, Magazine, Conceptual Publication
Product Catalogue, Institute Annual Report, Company Catalogue, Direct Mail
Greeting Card, Invitation Card, Calendar, Others
A-4 海报 Poster
A-4-1商业海报 Commercial Poster
A-4-2社会公益海报 Public Benefit Poster
A-4-3文化海报 Cultural Poster
A-5 文字设计 Typography
A-5-1 字体设计 Typeface
A-5-2 创意字型 Logotype
A-6 插图 Illustration
A-6-1商业插图 Commercial Illustration
A-7 信息可视化设计 Information Visualization Design
A-8 环境图形 Environmental Graphic
A-8-1导视系统设计 Sign System Design
A-8-2空间图形运用 Space graphics
B.RGB类 RGB Category
B-1多媒体 Multimedia
B-1-1网站 Website
B-1-2电子杂志 E-magazine
ICON(Mobile Phone, Navigation System, MP3, IPAD, Others)
Interface(APP& Others Electronic Product Interface)
B-2动画 Animation
B-2-1动态标志 Dynamic Logo
B-2-2影视片头 Movie, Video Intro
B-2-3动画短片 Animated Short Film
B-3交互设计 Interaction
B-3-1游戏及软件 Game & Software
B-3-2数位互动装置 Cyber Interactive Installation
B-4新媒体创意与发展 New Media Creativity and Development
奖项设置 Award Setting
All the submitted and eligible works will be on-site assessed and selected by the jury panel of 16 international top-list designers. The jury panel will grant the Best Design award to the winner in GDC15 Award Gala. All the awarded and selected works will exhibit in GDC15 exhibition and published in the Yearbook of GDC15.
GDC入围奖 GDC Selected Awards
According to the GDC15 evaluation rules and regulations, the Jury Panel will single out the works of great creation, performance and completeness as selected works. GDC Nomination Awards, Jury Awards, Best Awards and Grand Prix will be generated from the selected works.
GDC提名奖 GDC Nomination Awards
According to the GDC15 evaluation rules and regulations, the selected works with will be granted as GDC by The Jury Panel will grant the GDC Nomination Awards to those selected works can inspire and promote the value of design from a unique perspective.
GDC评审奖 GDC Jury Awards
According to the GDC15 evaluation rules and regulations, each member of the Jury Panel will choose of their most-recognized work as the Jury Award work. The Jury Award works will be exhibited as the Jury Panel’s recommendation.
GDC最佳奖 GDC Best Awards
According to the GDC15 evaluation rules and regulations, the Jury Panel will single out the Best Award among the selected works of each category respectively. All Best Awards Works are in the line to the Grand Prix.
*Note: Both the Professionals and the Students will have Best Awards form 36 sub-categories from 12 categories.
GDC全场大奖 GDC Grand Prix
According to the GDC15 evaluation rules and regulations, the Jury Panel will single out only one Grand Prix from all Nomination Awards works of Professionals with high standard on creation and influence.
评审视点 Jury Panel Criteria
实效性设计 Design with effects
GDC15 not only evaluates the works in regard of aesthetics and creation, but also focuses on the content, concept as well as the effects of designs. By doing so, GDC15 is committed to finding out the effects and values of design, observing the trend and inspiring the development.
1、使用实效 Practical effect
1-1、用最合理的技术手段、满足受众需求的设计Meet the needs of the target users by reasonable methods
1-2、创造方便体验的设计 Designs bring about convenient experience
2、美学实效 Aesthetic effect
2-1、具有独特美感的设计 Special aesthetic design
2-2、打破惯例的设计 Groundbreaking design
3、文化实效 Cultural effect
为文化的传承与创新提供新思路的设计 Designs carry on culture and enhance creation
4、商业实效 Commercial effect
4-1、所产生的影响与项目的目的紧密相连的设计 Closely connect to the program purpose
4-2、巧妙传达项目理念的设计 Express the design concept delicately
4-3、能够从目标受众那里获得广泛支持与认可的设计 Well recognized and supported by the target users
5、社会实效 Social effect
引发对特定社会问题思考的设计 Trigger public thinking on a particular social issue
奖项公布 Award Announcement
GDC15 设计竞赛入围作品名单将于2015年10月30日在GDC15竞赛官方网站及合作媒体公布。
The result of Selected Awards will be announced on October 30th, 2015 by the official website and media partners.
The result of Grand Prix, Best Awards, Jury Awards, and Nomination Awards will be announced in December 8th, 2015, and be awarded at the award ceremony held in Shenzhen, All of the award-winning works will be exhibited from December 8th, 2015 to January 8th, 2016.
关键时间 Key Date
Deadline for Application & Submission
October 20th, 2015
(All works should be arrived before the deadline for Application & Submission. The works that cannot arrive in time will be disqualified.)
NOTE: Online registration system will automatically shut down on October 20th, 2015. Please make sure that you make appropriate arrangements. GDC will not be responsible for any delivery errors. We will not return the works that have been submitted. Thanks for understanding.
Grace Period
From May 23th to July 23th, 2015
General Period
From July 24th to October 20th, 2015
Judgment Dates
—初评 First stage
From October 25th to October 27th, 2015
—终评 Final stage
2015年11月 6日—11月8日
From November 6th to November 8th, 2015
Award Gala
December 8th, 2015
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