So, this is Tips and Tricks on Effective Web Design
Time to Load 15 Seconds per 1 page. If your webpage is loaded more than that, it’s too slow. Your visitors may change to see other websites because they don’t like to wait. For those who use Dreamweaver can use a tool to check load time.Or you can check at 下载时间——最好是15秒内下载一页。如果你的网页加载时间超过了15秒,那么这就太慢了。你的访问者可能会选择去其它网站,因为他再也不愿意等待这么长的时间。对于使用Dreamweaver开发的人来说,可以使用特定的工具来检测下载时间。或者,你可以在
Match you product For example, If you are selling Mobile phone, design your website in modern style.
Layout Think about your layout that must be suitable for your content in website. You may use the table. Tables load very fast because it is HTML code. You can use it everywhere you like: menu, home page, etc.
Images Images can make your site look good, but it must suite for your content. Also, keep in mind that they take a long time to load, so use few images or thumbnail images per page that link to the bigger ones.