





886-4-22960382台灣台中市40667北屯區梅川西路4段311號 886-4-22960382

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大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

分类: 室内

大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

The Virtuous Way This design begins with the room’s center, applying circular imagery that extends outwardly towards the four corners, as if folding its hands and bowing, each layer distinct – a design founded on Buddhist concepts of the Middle Way and treating customers with the utmost respect. For meetings, the central area uses a cylindrical grate theme constructed from metal pipes. The pipes’ bases are fitted with lighting to create a light-screen atmosphere, and in-line staggering of thinness and density create a harmony between the table and the surrounding walls. Walking through the structure, light, shadow, and objects mutually overlap, creating a subtle sense of visual penetration, and a calm, graceful figure, revealing the integrated LED wall washer lights that emit a gentle, progressive halo, placed above and below the framework, made further dazzling by contrast shading.

大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

大道之意 中心為設計的開端,以圓的意象向四方角落盡情的奔放,彷彿舉手作揖層層分明,形成以中道思想為基礎,以禮為尊待客之道,呵護倍至。在聚會時間,中心區域採用金屬圓管格柵為主題,管底崁入燈光形成光牆的氛圍,透過疏與密的直列錯位,再與外圍展示檯相互對應,當在觀看走動時,光、影、物三者相互重疊,創造微妙的視覺穿透感,以及靜定輕盈的身形,展示架上下結合洗牆燈光,打出柔和的漸進式光暈,在極講究的燈光烘托下,更顯相當悅目。

大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

The Virtuous Way This design begins with the room’s center, applying circular imagery that extends outwardly towards the four corners, as if folding its hands and bowing, each layer distinct – a design founded on Buddhist concepts of the Middle Way and treating customers with the utmost respect. For meetings, the central area uses a cylindrical grate theme constructed from metal pipes. The pipes’ bases are fitted with lighting to create a light-screen atmosphere, and in-line staggering of thinness and density create a harmony between the table and the surrounding walls. Walking through the structure, light, shadow, and objects mutually overlap, creating a subtle sense of visual penetration, and a calm, graceful figure, revealing the integrated LED wall washer lights that emit a gentle, progressive halo, placed above and below the framework, made further dazzling by contrast shading.

大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

大道之意 中心為設計的開端,以圓的意象向四方角落盡情的奔放,彷彿舉手作揖層層分明,形成以中道思想為基礎,以禮為尊待客之道,呵護倍至。在聚會時間,中心區域採用金屬圓管格柵為主題,管底崁入燈光形成光牆的氛圍,透過疏與密的直列錯位,再與外圍展示檯相互對應,當在觀看走動時,光、影、物三者相互重疊,創造微妙的視覺穿透感,以及靜定輕盈的身形,展示架上下結合洗牆燈光,打出柔和的漸進式光暈,在極講究的燈光烘托下,更顯相當悅目。

大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

The Virtuous Way This design begins with the room’s center, applying circular imagery that extends outwardly towards the four corners, as if folding its hands and bowing, each layer distinct – a design founded on Buddhist concepts of the Middle Way and treating customers with the utmost respect. For meetings, the central area uses a cylindrical grate theme constructed from metal pipes. The pipes’ bases are fitted with lighting to create a light-screen atmosphere, and in-line staggering of thinness and density create a harmony between the table and the surrounding walls. Walking through the structure, light, shadow, and objects mutually overlap, creating a subtle sense of visual penetration, and a calm, graceful figure, revealing the integrated LED wall washer lights that emit a gentle, progressive halo, placed above and below the framework, made further dazzling by contrast shading.

作品版权 归 余杰茂 YU-JAMO 所有, 禁止匿名转载;禁止商业使用; 禁止个人使用。







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  • QQ:33143335 QQ:1904200230
  • 电话:18569912460
  • 投稿:cndesign@163.com
  • 地址:郑州市国家大学科技园东区9号楼2层


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