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●香岛集团立足海南资源优势,致力于推动生产方式绿色化,构建科技含量高、资源消耗低、环境污染少的沉香产业生产方式,着力建设“一带一路”桥头堡,发展绿色经济,促进旅业发展,打造国际香岛,构建海南经济社会发展新模式,做沉香产业引领者! Basing its development on the advantageous sources in Hainan province, Aloe Island Corporation strives to push forward an environment-friendly way of production by relying on technological innovations to minimize resources consumptions and environment pollutions. Aloes Island therefore aims at playing a leading role in Aloes-wood industry for the purpose of developing green economy, enhancing the transformation of social and economic development mode of Hainan province and building Aloes Island into an international island, a bridgehead of One Belt One Road.
● 关于沉香: A brief introduction to aloes-wood (also known as eaglewood) 沉香,木中钻石,万香之王,真正的“摇钱树”,农民的“绿色银行”。 Aloes-wood has been proclaimed to be plant diamond and essence of incenses. Aloes-wood trees are therefore regarded as real Money Trees and Green Banks of farmers. 沉香,为五大宗教神器、宫廷皇室至宝、文人雅士至爱、名贵中药奇珍。 Aloes-wood has been used in sacred rituals in all five religions over the history and highly valued by royal communities, artists and refined scholars. Also, Aloe-wood has long been used as a rare ingredient in Chinese traditional herbal medicine.
● 金 木 水 火 土 Golden Wood, Water and Fire Soil
● 香岛产品线规划:香岛琼脂线香 Product: Aloes Island Qiongzhi Thread Aloes 长线香:尖峰岭、黎母山、文笔峰、万安峒、崖州蜜 Long Thread Aloes: Jiangfeng Mt., Limu Mt., Wenbi Peak, Wan’an Cavern, Yazhou Honey 短线香:尖峰岭、黎母山、文笔峰、万安峒、崖州蜜 Short Thread Aloes: Jiangfeng Mt., Limu Mt., Wenbi Peak, Wan’an Cavern, Yazhou Honey 盘香:尖峰岭、黎母山、文笔峰、万安峒、崖州蜜 Incense coil Aloes: Jiangfeng Mt., Limu Mt., Wenbi Peak, Wan’an Cavern, Yazhou Honey
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